Contact Us

Please note that orders, once submitted, cannot be changed or cancelled. If you need to return your order, please click here for our returns information.

We know that your time is valuable, and request that you use the form below when contacting for the following advantages:

  • The form is connected directly to our customer support system
  • We need multiple pieces of information, so we can verify it's really you
  • Providing addresses, full details & photos, allows us to reply with everything in one go
  • Choosing the correct reason for contacting us, routes your enquiry to the right person

Please take the time to complete the form fully now, and it will make it faster for us to serve you, and in-turn, give you a faster response.

Personal Details

Enquiry Details

You can attach a maximum of 2 files up to 2MB in size, in JPG, PNG or PDF Format

Office Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 4pm
Excluding Public Holidays

Call Us

By Phone: 0161 314 3000
(+44 161 314 3000 Outside UK)
By Fax: 0161 314 3001
(+44 161 314 3001 Outside UK)

Our Location

Returns Address
Alfafado Ltd
Unit 13, 4 Tameside Business Park
Windmill Lane
Greater Manchester
M34 3QS

Company Details

Company Reg. No: 06486856
Registered in England & Wales
VAT Number: GB998075359

Email Us
Using the form will ALWAYS be quicker